Class ProposalCycle.ProposalCycleBuilder

Enclosing class:

public static class ProposalCycle.ProposalCycleBuilder extends Object
A builder class for ProposalCycle, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
  • Field Details

    • observatory

      public Observatory observatory
    • title

      public String title
      a human readable description of the cycle.
    • submissionDeadline

      public Date submissionDeadline
      the date by which observing proposals must be submitted to be considered for this cycle.
    • observationSessionStart

      public Date observationSessionStart
      the start date of the observing cycle.
    • observationSessionEnd

      public Date observationSessionEnd
      the end date of the observing cycle.
    • observingModes

      public List<ObservingMode> observingModes
      the possible observing modes offered in the cycle.
    • availableResources

      public AvailableResources availableResources
    • possibleGrades

      public List<AllocationGrade> possibleGrades
      The possible grades that can be allocated for this cycle.
    • tac

      public TAC tac
      The time allocation committee.
    • submittedProposals

      public List<SubmittedProposal> submittedProposals
      the proposals that have been submitted in this cycle.
    • allocatedProposals

      public List<AllocatedProposal> allocatedProposals
      the proposals that have been successful and allocated time.
  • Constructor Details

    • ProposalCycleBuilder

      public ProposalCycleBuilder()
  • Method Details

    • create

      public ProposalCycle create()
      create a ProposalCycle from this builder.
      an object initialized from the builder.