Class Instrument.InstrumentBuilder

Enclosing class:

public static class Instrument.InstrumentBuilder extends Object
A builder class for Instrument, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
  • Field Details

    • name

      public String name
      the instrument name - human readable.
    • description

      public String description
      short human readable description.
    • wikiId

      public WikiDataId wikiId
      the wikidata id for the Instrument.
    • reference

      public String reference
      a URL that points to a more detailed description of the instrument.
    • kind

      public InstrumentKind kind
      the kind of instrument.
    • frequencyCoverage

      public SpectralWindowSetup frequencyCoverage
      the frequency range that the instrument covers.
  • Constructor Details

    • InstrumentBuilder

      public InstrumentBuilder()
  • Method Details

    • create

      public Instrument create()
      create a Instrument from this builder.
      an object initialized from the builder.