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objectType ObservingProposal

a complete proposal


        class ObservingProposal{
        ivoa:string title
ivoa:string summary
proposal:ProposalKind kind
ivoa:boolean submitted

        ObservingProposal *-- Justification : scientificJustification
ObservingProposal *-- Justification : technicalJustification
ObservingProposal *-- Investigator : investigators
ObservingProposal *-- RelatedProposal : relatedProposals
ObservingProposal *-- SupportingDocument : supportingDocuments
ObservingProposal *-- Target : targets
ObservingProposal *-- Field : fields
ObservingProposal *-- TechnicalGoal : technicalGoals
ObservingProposal *-- Observation : observations

link Justification "../Justification"
link Justification "../Justification"
link Investigator "../Investigator"
link RelatedProposal "../RelatedProposal"
link SupportingDocument "../SupportingDocument"
link Target "../Target"
link Field "../Field"
link TechnicalGoal "../TechnicalGoal"
link Observation "../Observation"


name type mult description
title ivoa:string the proposal title
summary ivoa:string a short summary/abstract of the proposal
scientificJustification Justification scientific justification
technicalJustification Justification technical justification
investigators Investigator 1 or more the person(s) making the proposal
kind ProposalKind the type of proposal
relatedProposals RelatedProposal 0 or more
supportingDocuments SupportingDocument 0 or more any additional documents
targets Target 1 or more the targets of the proposal
fields Field 1 or more the fields observed in the proposal
technicalGoals TechnicalGoal 1 or more the technical goals of the proposal
observations Observation 1 or more the proposed observations
submitted ivoa:boolean optional whether the proposal is submitted

References Detail

This is referred to by RelatedProposal, proposalManagement:SubmittedProposal

Has contained reference(s) Target, Field, TechnicalGoal in the containment hierarchy.