Configuring the UML tool
In general it is necessary to configure a UML tool with the IVOA "profile" to restrict the metamodel to that used by VO-DML.
XMI support in the gradle tooling
As there are several UML tools and the XMI produced by each is slightly different,
there is not a specific XMI to VO-DML task, but rather a base net.ivoa.vodml.gradle.plugin.XmiTask
that can be customized with the correct XSLT in the build.gradle.kts
tasks.register("UmlToVodml", {
xmiScript.set("xmi2vo-dml_MD_CE_12.1.xsl") // the conversion script - automatically found in the xslt directory
xmiFile.set(file("models/ivoa/vo-dml/IVOA-v1.0_MD12.1.xml")) //the UML XMI to convert
vodmlFile.set(file("test.vo-dml.xml")) // the output VO-DML file.
description = "convert UML to VO-DML"
as part of their name.