Class ObservingProposal.ObservingProposalBuilder

Enclosing class:

public static class ObservingProposal.ObservingProposalBuilder extends Object
A builder class for ObservingProposal, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
  • Field Details

    • title

      public String title
      the proposal title.
    • summary

      public String summary
      a short summary/abstract of the proposal.
    • scientificJustification

      public Justification scientificJustification
      scientific justification.
    • technicalJustification

      public Justification technicalJustification
      technical justification.
    • investigators

      public List<Investigator> investigators
      the person(s) making the proposal.
    • kind

      public ProposalKind kind
      the type of proposal.
    • relatedProposals

      public List<RelatedProposal> relatedProposals
    • supportingDocuments

      public List<SupportingDocument> supportingDocuments
      any additional documents.
    • targets

      public List<Target> targets
      the targets of the proposal.
    • fields

      public List<Field> fields
      the fields observed in the proposal.
    • technicalGoals

      public List<TechnicalGoal> technicalGoals
      the technical goals of the proposal.
    • observations

      public List<Observation> observations
      the proposed observations.
    • submitted

      public Boolean submitted
      whether the proposal is submitted.
  • Constructor Details

    • ObservingProposalBuilder

      public ObservingProposalBuilder()
  • Method Details

    • create

      public ObservingProposal create()
      create a ObservingProposal from this builder.
      an object initialized from the builder.