package proposal.
A model to represent an application for observing time. The model is intended to express all
of the concepts required to specify the scientific parameters of the application in sufficient detail to allow the
proposal to be reviewed and allocated time. It does not cover all the technical detail of instrument setup that would be needed to actually schedule the
observations, although the intention is that information about targets etc. could be automatically transferred to an observing system.
ClassDescriptionbase proposal.An observation that is intended for calibration.A builder class for CalibrationObservation, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern..The basic target setup for a celestial Target.A builder class for CelestialTarget, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.Specialization of a Field for an elliptical map.A builder class for Ellipse, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.Brief description of a spectral line.A builder class for ExpectedSpectralLine, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.Definition of an observing field pointing..A builder class for Investigator, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern..The justification for the proposal.A builder class for Justification, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.An observation - a pointing of the telescope at a part of the sky, occurs in a single non-overlapping time period.a form of constraint on the observation.a complete proposal.A builder class for ObservingProposal, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.An institution that is a collection of people.A builder class for Organization, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.The parameters required for observation to be useful for the science goal.A builder class for PerformanceParameters, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.person connected with the proposal.A builder class for Person, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.Single point on the sky.A builder class for Point, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.A constraint that limits the telescope pointing.Polygonal map.A builder class for Polygon, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern..The container class for the proposal Model.A container class for the references in the model.a related proposal.A builder class for RelatedProposal, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.A spectral window for science use.A builder class for ScienceSpectralWindow, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.A constraint that requires that two observations occur simultaneously.A builder class for SimultaneityConstraint, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern..A builder class for SolarSystemTarget, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.Science oriented definition of a spectral window.A builder class for SpectralWindowSetup, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.a document.A builder class for SupportingDocument, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.A target source.the field points to the associated target.A builder class for TargetField, mainly for use in the functional builder observation of the scientific target .A builder class for TargetObservation, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.collects together the technical goals of the proposal.A builder class for TechnicalGoal, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.acceptable text formats for document submission.Any specific timing requirements for the observing.particular time range.A builder class for TimingWindow, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.a WikiData identifier.