Class ProposalModel

All Implemented Interfaces:
org.ivoa.vodml.jaxb.JaxbManagement, org.ivoa.vodml.VodmlModel<ProposalModel>

@VoDml(id="proposal", role=model, type="proposal") public class ProposalModel extends Object implements org.ivoa.vodml.VodmlModel<ProposalModel>
  • Constructor Details

    • ProposalModel

      public ProposalModel()
  • Method Details

    • addContent

      public void addContent(ObservingProposal c)
    • deleteContent

      public void deleteContent(ObservingProposal c)
    • addContent

      public void addContent(RelatedProposal c)
    • deleteContent

      public void deleteContent(RelatedProposal c)
    • addContent

      public void addContent(Investigator c)
    • deleteContent

      public void deleteContent(Investigator c)
    • addContent

      public void addContent(TelescopeArrayMember c)
    • deleteContent

      public void deleteContent(TelescopeArrayMember c)
    • addContent

      public void addContent(TelescopeArray c)
    • deleteContent

      public void deleteContent(TelescopeArray c)
    • addContent

      public void addContent(ObservingConfiguration c)
    • deleteContent

      public void deleteContent(ObservingConfiguration c)
    • addContent

      public void addContent(Justification c)
    • deleteContent

      public void deleteContent(Justification c)
    • addContent

      public void addContent(SupportingDocument c)
    • deleteContent

      public void deleteContent(SupportingDocument c)
    • addContent

      public void addContent(TimingWindow c)
    • deleteContent

      public void deleteContent(TimingWindow c)
    • addContent

      public void addContent(SimultaneityConstraint c)
    • deleteContent

      public void deleteContent(SimultaneityConstraint c)
    • addContent

      public void addContent(ScienceSpectralWindow c)
    • deleteContent

      public void deleteContent(ScienceSpectralWindow c)
    • addContent

      public void addContent(SpectralWindowSetup c)
    • deleteContent

      public void deleteContent(SpectralWindowSetup c)
    • addContent

      public void addContent(ExpectedSpectralLine c)
    • deleteContent

      public void deleteContent(ExpectedSpectralLine c)
    • addContent

      public void addContent(PerformanceParameters c)
    • deleteContent

      public void deleteContent(PerformanceParameters c)
    • addContent

      public void addContent(TargetObservation c)
    • deleteContent

      public void deleteContent(TargetObservation c)
    • addContent

      public void addContent(CalibrationObservation c)
    • deleteContent

      public void deleteContent(CalibrationObservation c)
    • addContent

      public void addContent( c)
    • deleteContent

      public void deleteContent( c)
    • addContent

      public void addContent( c)
    • deleteContent

      public void deleteContent( c)
    • addContent

      public void addContent( c)
    • deleteContent

      public void deleteContent( c)
    • addContent

      public void addContent( c)
    • deleteContent

      public void deleteContent( c)
    • addContent

      public void addContent( c)
    • deleteContent

      public void deleteContent( c)
    • addContent

      public void addContent( c)
    • deleteContent

      public void deleteContent( c)
    • addContent

      public void addContent( c)
    • deleteContent

      public void deleteContent( c)
    • addContent

      public void addContent( c)
    • deleteContent

      public void deleteContent( c)
    • addContent

      public void addContent( c)
    • deleteContent

      public void deleteContent( c)
    • addContent

      public void addContent( c)
    • deleteContent

      public void deleteContent( c)
    • addReference

      public void addReference(ObservingProposal c)
      directly add reference. N.B. should not be necessary in normal operation adding content should find embedded references.
      c - the reference to be added.
    • addReference

      public void addReference(Organization c)
      directly add reference. N.B. should not be necessary in normal operation adding content should find embedded references.
      c - the reference to be added.
    • addReference

      public void addReference(Person c)
      directly add reference. N.B. should not be necessary in normal operation adding content should find embedded references.
      c - the reference to be added.
    • addReference

      public void addReference( c)
      directly add reference. N.B. should not be necessary in normal operation adding content should find embedded references.
      c - the reference to be added.
    • getContent

      public <T> List<T> getContent(Class<T> c)
    • processReferences

      public void processReferences()
      Specified by:
      processReferences in interface org.ivoa.vodml.jaxb.JaxbManagement
    • hasReferences

      public static boolean hasReferences()
    • contextFactory

      public static jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBContext contextFactory() throws jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBException
    • pu_name

      public static String pu_name()
    • writeXMLSchema

      public static void writeXMLSchema()
    • jsonMapper

      public static com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper jsonMapper()
      Return a Jackson objectMapper suitable for JSON serialzation.
      the objectmapper.
    • management

      public org.ivoa.vodml.ModelManagement<ProposalModel> management()
      generate management interface instance for model.
      Specified by:
      management in interface org.ivoa.vodml.VodmlModel<ProposalModel>
      the management interface.
    • description

      public static org.ivoa.vodml.ModelDescription description()
    • descriptor

      public org.ivoa.vodml.ModelDescription descriptor()
      Return the model description in non-static fashion. overrides @see org.ivoa.vodml.VodmlModel#descriptor()
      Specified by:
      descriptor in interface org.ivoa.vodml.VodmlModel<ProposalModel>
      the model description.
    • createContext

      public void createContext()