All Classes and Interfaces

A block of resources that have been allocated.
A builder class for AllocatedBlock, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
an instance of a proposal that is allocated observing time.
A builder class for AllocatedProposal, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
The final grade given by the TAC.
A builder class for AllocationGrade, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
The list of resources that are available.
A builder class for AvailableResources, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
a processing backend /pipeline- e.g.
A builder class for Backend, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
An observation that is intended for calibration.
A builder class for CalibrationObservation, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
The basic target setup for a celestial Target.
A builder class for CelestialTarget, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
a member of the TAC .
A builder class for CommitteeMember, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
Specialization of a Field for an elliptical map.
A builder class for Ellipse, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
Brief description of a spectral line.
A builder class for ExpectedSpectralLine, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
Definition of an observing field pointing.
An instrument that can be attached to a telescope - e.g.
A builder class for Instrument, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
A builder class for Investigator, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
The justification for the proposal.
A builder class for Justification, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
An observation - occurs in a single non-overlapping time period.
An organisation that can perform astronomical observations.
A builder class for Observatory, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
A particular observation combination that is possible.
A builder class for ObservingConfiguration, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
a form of constraint on the observation.
a collection of configs that can be chosen to observe with.
A builder class for ObservingMode, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
a complete proposal.
A builder class for ObservingProposal, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
A builder class for OfferedCycles, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
An institution that is a collection of people.
A builder class for Organization, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
The parameters required for observation to be useful for the science goal.
A builder class for PerformanceParameters, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
person connected with the proposal.
A builder class for Person, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
Single point on the sky.
A builder class for Point, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
A constraint that limits the telescope pointing.
Polygonal map.
A builder class for Polygon, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
Defines collection of resources and proposals for a particular observing season.
A builder class for ProposalCycle, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
A review of a proposal.
A builder class for ProposalReview, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
a related proposal.
A builder class for RelatedProposal, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
A resource that will be consumed by allocating an observation from a proposal.
A builder class for Resource, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
A block of resources that can be allocated.
A builder class for ResourceBlock, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
a type of resource .
A builder class for ResourceType, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
assigned to review the proposal.
A builder class for Reviewer, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
A spectral window for science use.
A builder class for ScienceSpectralWindow, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
A constraint that requires that two observations occur simultaneously.
A builder class for SimultaneityConstraint, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
A builder class for SolarSystemTarget, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
Science oriented definition of a spectral window.
A builder class for SpectralWindowSetup, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
an instance of a proposal that has been submitted.
A builder class for SubmittedProposal, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
a document.
A builder class for SupportingDocument, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
time allocation committee.
A builder class for TAC, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
A role within the timeAllocation committee.
A target source.
the field points to the associated target.
A builder class for TargetField, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
an observation of the scientific target .
A builder class for TargetObservation, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
collects together the technical goals of the proposal.
A builder class for TechnicalGoal, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
A builder class for Telescope, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
a set of telescopes that are operated together for an observation.
A builder class for TelescopeArray, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
A builder class for TelescopeArrayMember, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
acceptable text formats for document submission.
Any specific timing requirements for the observing.
particular time range.
A builder class for TimingWindow, mainly for use in the functional builder pattern.
a WikiData identifier.